10. Don't rev up the car to the sound of your own wanna-be Jack Johnson voice blasting from the cd you just recorded, and don't turn it up so loud that no one in the car can hear each other or carry on any manner of conversation.
9. Don't ask lame, generic questions like, "So how many kids do you have in your family," or "what do you like to do for fun," etc. If you're getting along and having good conversation, these things will come out naturally, or won't be necessary at all. I doubt any girl has ever left a date thinking to herself, "Man, that was an amazing date, but it's just not going to work out because I have no idea if he is a youngest, oldest, or middle child!"
8. Don't take your date on a large group date full of people she doesn't know. A double date is fine, even a triple date, but an octo-plus date driven by mission memoirs and inside jokes is going to do nothing but alienate the girl your trying to get to know/impress.
7. Don't make any comment that is not 100-percent positive about her high-heel shoes. No "I don't understand how you girls walk in those things," or "wow, those are really high heels," is going to be taken in a good way. Sorry that her 5-inch heels make her taller than you and make you feel like less of a man. She wore them because they make her calves look great.
6. When your date is wearing 5-inch heels, don't expect her to climb into the back of a truck that meets her at eye-level without any assistance. Don't expect her to do that in flats.
5. Don't take your date to an action movie that got less stars than your basement floor. Don't take your date to a movie, period (well, not within the first five or six dates, at least).
4. Don't pretend you're going to run over the cat crossing the road.
3. Don't not feed your date - EVER! Unless you specify otherwise, your date is going to be planning on food, and therefore is hungry. Leaving her that way for the entire night is going to make her crabby and make her forever associate the memory of you with the feeling of her stomach trying to eat itself.
2. Don't ask your date to just meet you there, and really, seriously, don't ask your date to meet you at the gas station down by the freeway either. I don't think I need to expound on this one.
1. Don't ask a girl out over text message. Nothing about this is okay.
And there you have it. That is my current list of advice for guys. I hope it is adhered to with the strictest of obedience and the humblest of attitudes.
*I am still extremely single.